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You are free to download any pictures from this site, as long these are used for the personal archive. For other purposes (publishes, blogs, forums or others) just with mention of the source, according to the legal conditions of copyright.
NOTA : Articolele din perioada celui de-al 3 lea Reich, sunt strict obiecte de colectie, nicidecum de propaganda si nu exprima in nici un fel pareri, convingeri sau ideologi politice sau de alta natura sau sa ofenseze pe cei ce au avut de suferit in acea perioada.
DISCLAIMER: The articles presented from the 3rd Reich period, are strictly collectibles, they are not related to any propaganda, beliefs or political ideology of any kind and I do not intended to offense those who had suffer during that period.
If you are interested in one or more things from my collection, feel free to ask me about these. I am willing to exchange or sell some of them.